Monday, January 26, 2009

I think my neighbor is insane

On a day like today, when that sneaky little mother nature was kind enough to lay a foot of new snow at our doorsteps we all have the same reaction, don't we? Oh crap, I have to go out and shovel again. Well, I have found a diamond in the rough if you will. One who not only gets up at the ungodly hour of 6 AM to shovel his driveway, but has also been known to stay up until 12 midnight to do the same. He can be heard quite easily from my bedroom window so I am a very good witness to his insanity.

Today was a very special day for him. Not only was the snowfall above and beyond his expectations, but then a neighbor loaned him a snowblower and he was happily traipsing around the neighborhood for most of the day blowing snow hither and yon. Now I don't want to seem like a sourpuss, because he did manage to get rid of the 3 foot high speed bump I had left at the end of my own driveway. I am indeed grateful for that. But right at this moment he has surrendered his precious loaner, returned to the shovel and is currently removing the snow from the neighborhood basketball court. Just in case someone feels like shooting some hoops in 20 degree weather.

Last week was a slow one for him seeing as the weather was too warm for the white stuff. He spent his week shovel in hand, moving the snowbanks from the side of the road to the middle of the road so they could be efficiently squashed by oncoming cars. Do you see where I'm going with this?

The upside to his insanity is that he loves to make the biggest tubing hill in his front yard because he happens to live on a hill. I am indeed guilty of sending my kids out the door, dressed like Ralphie from 'The Christmas Story' and saying to them, "Don't come home until you have been up and down that hill 20 times or at least an hour, whichever comes first." I have often told the kids that they should really make that nice man a card to show him their gratitude.

I'm sorry to say that I have no pictures to accompany this rant. I believe I may get in a bit of trouble for that. (HIPAA law or slandering or something of the nature) Have a nice day and shovel on.


Ethington Family said...

That reminds me of my dad. He loves getting up early and I use to be surprised with clean windows on my car in on many mornings. I love the family picture by the way. that is so cute and such a fun idea. Have a great one!

BiLlY, sAm, AnD bOyS!!! said...

yeah- he is just a bit crazy! always trying to help! i have been down that hill and it was fun- but you seriously think you are going to face plant the street sign.