Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Zac's Big Day!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mother of the Year Award
It is true that I have had several moments in my life that have truly put me in the running for the "White Trash Mother of the Year Award". This week I had yet another of those shining moments. Let's review the previous winners. The time Luke took his battery powered Jeep at the age of 2 to the drive-up window at McDonalds. The time that Zac took his battery powered Jeep to the golf course and was busted by a DCFS case worker. (just my luck) So on to our most current example of my exemplary skills as a mother. Jake was wakeboarding about 3 weeks ago and took a nasty spill and said he hurt his foot. We said "it will be fine, just give it some time you probably bruised it or something." He limped through the next 3 weeks only complaining occasionally about the pain. He would ask for a heating pad now and again. He would come in from jumping on the tramp and say it hurt so we would tell him not to jump on the tramp. A few days ago I noticed him still limping on it after a pretty relaxing day so again I asked him if it still hurt. He said "a little" so I told him to take it easy for a few days. We iced it and elevated it (when he wasn't running around on it) and I made him ditch the Vans for a sturdier shoe. Well, my guilty conscience got the best of me and we finally got it x-ray'd only to find out that he indeed has a 3 week old fracture that is trying its best to heal. The good news is that he is so far along in the 'healing' process that he only has to wear a soft cast for 2 - 3 weeks. That will put a bit of a kink in his end of the summer boarding but it shoudn't interfere with his fall baseball league. Please, if you are my true friends you will keep this story between us because DCFS already has a file on me. Go bust some meth cookers for crying out loud and leave me alone!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
my front porch
My front porch in the summertime is one of my favorite places on earth. I love my flowering pots, my wicker furniture, my blooming hostas, and my bubbling fountain. It is always shady and cool. It is a great place to read a book, visit with neighbors, or just appreciate the renewal that nature gives us every year. It is truly at it's best when the lawn has been freshly mowed, the porch has been squirted off, and the sprinklers are on. That's when all the sights, sounds, and smells of summer surround me and envelope me in true bliss.... Drop by anytime, I'd love to have you.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Deep thoughts for a blonde
Ok, to fill some time and space I'm going to take a page from my beautiful sis-in-laws blog and copy one of my favorite entries of hers. Here goes....
I believe...that god only gives us what we can handle. If you face something that's too overwhelming for you than you need to rethink who's in charge here.
I am a recent e-mail I received about how plastic grocery bags are killing our environment and some of my favorite ocean creatures. Do you realize the average family throws away 8 - 10 a week and they never really decompose! It's paper and canvas for me baby! (sorry about the soabbox moment)
I love...My family: immediate, extended, steps, ex's, greats, I love them all. They make up the twisted, colorful, and soft fabric of our lives.
I also love...When my house is clean, my refrigerator stocked, my laundry done, my kids happy and a really great book waiting for me.
I be more patient, more spontaneous, and less OCDish.
I childrens toddler years for granted. I get so focused on getting them potty trained, sleeping through the night, and off to school that I am probably missing out on a whole lot of precious stuff.
I hear...the incessant beeps of monitors and alarms while here at work. Quiet please I'm trying to play!
I drink...entirely too much Tea. I know it's supposed to be a no no but if that's my only vice surely god can over look it right?
I hate...pee splashes on toilets and floors. How hard is it to hit a 12 inch round circle of water boys?
I hope...that I am doing a good job as a mother and wife and that my families lives are better because I am a part of them.
I use...way to much water on my lawn. The neighbors think its blasphemy but since when do I care what they think? That's why my lawn looks like a golf course and theirs looks like a hay field.
I dog to stop leaking on me when she falls into a deep sleep. (yes the yellow kind)
I wear...swimsuits that are much too revealing for a body like mine, but I love the feel of the sun baking my skin, so the rest of you are just going to have to learn to avert your eyes.
I best with what I have. Sure I would like more, wouldn't we all, but I truly believe that money never buys happiness. (Just great clothes, cars, and houses)
I dream...about someday becoming wealthy enough to spend at least half my time on a little house right on the beach. Any and all donations to this dream are welcome.
I drive...A Land Rover and I love everything about it except for the stinking 17 mpg with gas at $4.00 plus.
I every type of music imaginable. Guns n' Roses, to Tchaikovsky, to Keith Urban, to Beastie Boys. I love them all. They all have a place in my life depending on my mood and what type of groove I want to get on.
I know...alot less than people think. No I can't fix your child who has just broken his skull open on the sidewalk. I'm a Respiratory Therapist not a nurse. Call me when he stops breathing.
I type...slower than I used to thanks to these fake nails! (also less accurately)
I think...that this blog is revealing way too much about me.
I wish...that I had enough money and time to show my children the world. Every country and every culture. I think that is the best education money can buy.
I am...very materialistic. There I admitted it. I'm the blonde MILF who drives the Land Rover with the Prada purse, fake nails, designer jeans, and the tiny white dog as a sidekick. You might as well call me the over-age wannabe Paris Hilton. (I also happen to really like all these things so bite me judgers)
I regret...not writing down every single funny thing my kids said and did as they were growing up. My mom told me time and time again to do it, but did I listen, of course not.
I said...that Lake Powell is a no make-up zone so if you ever come with me don't bring it or you will lose it. (Justin's girlfriends are not exempt from this rule)
I wonder...If someday I will do something miraculous that will change someone's life forever.
I cry...when I hear of a child being lost, hurt, or lonely. Did you hear the one of the 4 year old sleepwalking out of the hotel while on vacation with his family and ending up sleeping under their van? Trippy.
I temper way too often.
I doors open when I leave my house. ( oops you probably shouldn't know that)
I should...shut up now while I still have friends and family that will associate with me.
If you too have deep thoughts feel free to share them with me in the comments section.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Reliving my childhood
So, once in a while you get the itch to relive a part of your childhood. For me this meant taking my family camping at Palisades National Park in the Manti-Lasal Forest. I have always wanted my children to experience some of the joys that I remember having there as a child.
We were there for 4 days and 3 nights (in tents mind you). We swam in the lake, played some golf, rented a paddle boat for the day, caught numerous tadpoles and frogs, cooked in the dutch oven, and played cards by firelight. Blissfully there was no cell phone service up there so the techie boys in my clan were forced to interact with each other.
We had alot of fun together spending time as a family. Even Lexi had a good time, she loved being able to tag along on the family vacation. Make sure you check out the priceless video of Wade in pure unadultered fun. Can you say Hee Hoo?
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